速報APP / 工具 / Led Laser Light

Led Laser Light





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:C-105. Sai Astha Residency, opp.Happyness Residency, Sayan Road, Kosad-394107, Surat, Gujarat , India

Led Laser Light(圖1)-速報App

Led Laser Light

-> “Led Laser Light” Flashlight instantly turns your device into a bright flashlight. The ultimate lighting tool takes full advantage of the LED light. Strobe/Blinking Mode is also supported and it's FREE!

-> “Led Laser Light” + LED are a simple, free flashlight app with LED light and several screen modes. Free plug-in like the Strobe / blinking light make “Led Laser Light” Flashlight one of the best productivity tools for your device.

#---Main features---#

->Super Bright Flashlight - Guaranteed!

Led Laser Light(圖2)-速報App

-> Convenient - Switch On/Off the light just like using a real flashlight.

-> Strobe/Blinking Mode supported - Blinking frequency adjustable.

->Stunning graphics - This is the most beautiful flashlight you can get in hand! 

->Built-in SOS flashlight signal

->Intuitive and elegant UI design

Led Laser Light(圖3)-速報App

->Use the cam LED light!


Led Laser Light(圖4)-速報App